Monday, September 14, 2009

Woof woof...

Speaking of bark, one of the roles I undertake in my Library role is Reference Rover. No, I don't get to wear dog ears and leap around the library panting and drooling (more's the pity) but rather wander round the stacks and help people find what they're looking for while doing a little shelving on the side.

Today I helped trial the use of a notebook computer with a stick modem: a jolly good idea (I think) as often the questions we're asked necessitate a trip back to the main counter and the computer there.

As I pushed my notebook computer on its trolley round the stacks I couldn't help hum the theme to Jaws under my breath. I also came up with the idea for this cartoon and am very pleased the end result is so true to what I pictured in my mind...
(Luckily everyone I used as guinea pigs were very positive about the experience. Maybe I should hire a dog costume for a day and see how the reactions compare?)

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! I can just picture it. Unsuspecting patrons beware. Great idea though.
