Friday, November 27, 2009

Five years ago

- A (not so small) frightened cat accidentally followed me home from the RSPCA. We'd only gone there to drop off an injured bird but it seemed a waste to bring the cat carrier we'd put the bird in home empty.- I still had one whole room in my flat basically empty and set up for occasional visiting guests

- I didn't knit (except in miniature). And I hadn't sewn (apart from mending) in years.

I had no idea what a blog was.If I did I would have been blogging photos from the Mediterranean cruise I'd just returned from...I didn't own a car. Or have a licence to drive one. I did own a Vespa, though(alas, not as big as this one!)

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of reflecting on the last five years! :-)
