Saturday, April 24, 2010

"Your personal Library Assistant"

It started as a joke.

They were from out of town and visiting the library with a local friend.

"Hi there" I think I said after I sensed a possible situation at the internet computers. "Are you booked onto that computer?"

It seemed they didn't realise they needed to book. We sorted that out for them.

Then there was a small problem with printing that I noticed as I was shelving nearby.

"Don't you know?" I joked. "In the ACT Library Service you get a dedicated Librarian to help you with everything you need? We're like Guardian Angels, always at your service. Each Library patron has a Guardian Librarian..."

We got their printing sorted out. I returned to other more pressing issues: The coming two day break and getting things up to date before then. Other patrons' needs. I almost forgot about them.

After work I pointed Miss Daisy towards the National Portrait Gallery as I had a gift voucher burning a hole in my wallet, a friends' disc
ount, a little spare cash, and a burning desire for something I'd seen in town tugging at my brain.

As I headed to the car from the NPG store I couldn't believe who I saw. Yeap, my new out of town friends from earlier in the day!

I bounded over. "As your dedicated Librarian from the ACT Library Service" I said "It is my duty to ensure your entire visit to the ACT is memorable!"

They laughed. I laughed.

I love my job...

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