Friday, May 07, 2010


I got burgled today. The good news is that the dolls houses are safe. The bad news is they took my laptop and all my cameras, chargers, batteries and CF cards. Like a 6 year old laptop and equally old cameras are going to be much use to them, right?

So I'll be unplugged for the next little while until I get things sorted out. Or lurking at the library internet computers. A lot...


  1. The bastards! I'm so sorry, TSS. Hope you're bearing up.


  2. Oh! Speechless! Let me know if I can help (even if only providing some email access)!

  3. That sucks big time. I'm so sorry - it's such an awful, awful feeling.

  4. Damn! That's awful, AM! Hope you can get a laptop soon and that your landlord secures your fortress a bit better for the future! Same as &duck - let me know if I can at least offer (quite slow) internet access for you.

  5. Oh no - how awful.
    We bought a 500.00 laptop from IKON or AKON (overseas) that has been good, if you are looking for something quickly.

    Hope all is ok otherwise. How annoying!

  6. very sad news.
    perhaps things will look up next week?

  7. oh, no!!
    glad you're safe, though.

  8. How awful! I'm so sorry this happened! Good luck getting everything straightened out. At least they didn't get the valuables, eh? ;)

  9. ooh no!! hope you had insurance.
    it won't make up for the inconvenience but you'll get replacements... there are lots of creeps around!!!

  10. That sucks, I'm so sorry :( Are you OK? (Angela at CT, I don't have an ID)

  11. You appear so calm about this! I am impressed. I would be hopping! Hope you didn't lose too much precious work. x

  12. Shit!!
    Yeh it's an excuse to get a new laptop, camera etc.
    Haha, my camera that was 5 years old died, and then my laptop (equally as old) didn't turn on anymore either. They woulda been on their way out anyways.

    *hugs* people really suck though.
    I'm glad your dollhouses are safe too. They're more important

  13. OMG!!! I am so sorry to hear about this. Its such a complete violation to have someone in your space. I'm sorry they stole so many of your valuable items (and valuable to us, as we love seeing your photos and posts) but at least they didn't take or trash your dollhouses. Best of luck in getting everything back in order. Big hugs.

  14. oh no! That's not very nice. hugs.
