Friday, July 23, 2010

Things that made me (very) happy today

1. A lovely package in the mail:I've had the same swap partner for two recent swaps and knew she loved licorice. The first time I sent a package it was a range of black and white treasure and a single bag of licorice. Well that got such rave reviews that this past swap I just sent her a box of whatever brands of licorice I could find that I thought she might like (lots of black, no white: so technically I failed at my own swap parameters.)

My swap partner asked if there was anything I'd like in return. And I mentioned the most fabulous hand-bag sized composition book I'd received in a swap that I'd almost finished. And that if she could rustle up some more it would be wonderful. Obviously she understands my obsession with stationery of any kind because there were all sorts of extras included.

If you love getting mail (and black and white) I'm planning to launch the next Black and White Swap at the beginning of August. Stay tuned...

2. A trip to the hardware store for research for the exhibition. Look! Miniature plinth lengths!
(Which they'll even cut to length for me!) Unexpected flooring options: (I think I like the first one better, after originally getting excited about the second option) 3. A studio visit to David Hodges who is shrinking to the challenge of getting his books down to miniature size:
(more photos soon)

4. My
new whiz-bang camera*. Which, I discovered this afternoon can produce results like this:
I suspect it'll take about a year before I pluck up the courage to take it off the auto setting and ten years before I really know how to use it.

5. Drawing the Robert Boot giveaway: And the winner is Rebecca! Forgive me for not posting the usual image of the random generator result, but I haven't worked out how to convert it to an image without Photoshop on this computer. I saved a screen dump to word, though, if anyone needs proof ;-)

6. That it's only 3:30pm, which means there are still 6 hours in the day for other lovely things to happen...

(*Oh yeah, if you happen to be my burglar you read nothing, OK?)

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh! Wow! Yippee! The first giveaway I've won - how wonderful! It's gorgeous! And makes me very happy too :-)) I'll email you my address.
