Friday, August 13, 2010

Let's back up a bit

(Just in case you like "behind the scenes" photos as much as I do...)
(See that shadow in the glass?
It was my first visitor, at 10:03 am!)


  1. I was so disappointed at missing The Event. I love the finished look of the space. Well done.

  2. I was disappointed that I couldn't be there with Robert, too. He'll have to bring to see the display when I'm feeling well again.

  3. Congratulations! It looks fantastic. Looking forward to see it for myself next week sometime.

  4. OMG!! I so wish I could see this IRL. The photos are incredible! You did such a great job displaying everything. The display boxes are incredible. Outstanding!!! Congrats. I LOVE the magnifying glass. :)

  5. I meant to add that I really enjoy the behind-the-scenes pictures. I know you enjoy the documentation process for itself, but as a curator, you are required to provide to the gallery, a report on the process of setting up an exhibition? Or is that secret curator's business ;-)

  6. woops. that was supposed to be a question: "are you required" not "you are ..". i really thought i read that before hitting 'publish'.

  7. I would have got there sooner if I lived near you! It looks amazing!

  8. m1k1: a belated reply.

    As far as I'm aware a curator is not required to document the process, I did it partly because I'm a blogger and also because I know I'm always interested in "behind the scenes" information so figured others would be too...
