Monday, October 11, 2010

Street art Sunday

Over brunch yesterday morning, The Parental Units and I discussed the movie Exit through the gift shop currently showing at the local cinema (I decided, much as I'd like to see it again, $17 was a little much to pay to see it a second time, no matter how comfy the seats are and how cool the marketing is).
The discussion moved on to the graffiti "problem" in Petone and I shared some of the insights I learned while reading Uncommissioned Art: The A-Z of Australian Graffiti, particularly the difference between tagging and street art.

So, when my mother and I headed into Wellington in the afternoon (leaving Dad happily ensconced in front of the TV watching Bathurst), it seemed only natural to notice, and document, some of the street art we saw and liked.




(More here)


  1. Liking that grafitti! I've just checked your ther photos on Flickr. The Stormtrooper appears often in Melbourne - I think it might by HaHa, Kiwi street artist turned Melbournian?

  2. Love the last one especially! SO true so often on a Monday.

  3. ..nice photos
    ..really attractive

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