Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday morning miniature eye candy

(Futuro from here)

(A mini Guggenheim, from Time magazine)

(Courtesy of pia jane bijkerk) (The Eames house in chocolate!)

Terence Conran's dolls house furniture collection (not really, but I can dream, right?)


  1. I have photos of that ufo thing from real life. There is one in the Outer Banks (North Carolina) that was a diner for a long time. Now it is just hanging out in a field covered with alien things. I'll send you an image if I can find it.

  2. It's another one of those UFO houses close to the seaside a short hour from were we live as well, (close to Mølen where my little people went camping this summer).
    It's hidden behind a lot's of trees so we didn't see it until we almost stumbled upon it!

    Great minicollection! I wonder if someone dared eating that Eames house?

  3. oh thank you so much for sharing this with us. what a great and rich post. all this houses are so cool. I especially love the first one (have to try to make one in 1:144), like in Norway there is a similar one on a german island, perhaps Rügen, I've forgotten.
    I love the architecture model too and following the links spent a lot of the saturdaymorning-time.:-)
