Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Still six months behind, alas

Today I made a visit that's been on my list since the Call of the Small exhibition closed.

And then I came home and knitted some wool I bought while I was in Wellington last year.

*Sigh* One day I'll catch up, I'm sure...


  1. excuse me, you may not have noticed, but the wool is not black nor is it white. are you feeling quite well? of course i realize it does tone with the palette of some of your recent constructions. i am not critical, just observing. i myself am very fond of green.

  2. Good grief! You're right!

    I can only blame the influence of the New Zeland scenery when I bought it. And the fact it was originally supposed to be for my mini Advent Swap...

  3. six months behind! I know the feeling well! Lizzie
