Sunday, October 09, 2011

Nothing (much) to report

I don't seem to have been in the mood for minis recently.

Since my last proper post (almost a month ago!)
I finally succumbed and bought a tablet computer. Alas not full sized.
The only change to the pink and white room is the addition of a stress ball I got in my TEDx goodie bag. I think it's time to pull this scene apart, don't you?I have a very scary looking cardboard deer head to put together.
Which I can't do until I've cleared space on my worktable. Which is a total tip.

I did achieve one thing, though. My May swap parcel for Mitchymoo Miniatures finally made it into the post. Only 4 months late...

1 comment:

  1. It's not that scary... just shoot me an email if you get stuck! Glad you're blogging again! <3
