Sunday, August 04, 2013

Finally seeing the light

Sometimes it takes a while for me to get to things. Sometimes it takes so long, I've forgotten what my original inspiration was until I'm working on the project.

Today's experiment is a case in point. Many many months ago I picked up some IKEA battery lights at Trash and Treasure for $2, mainly for the shades that covered the bulbs:
 (Once I got home and tested the lights I discovered they were multi coloured. And flashed. The lights got passed on pretty quickly but the shades got stashed away)

I'd hoped that the shades fitted over the plain white IKEA Kallt lights I had, but no such luck. I was disappointed, as I'd hoped to experiment with making a set of cluster lights.

Today, as I was clearing space on my worktable to finish something (else) off that had been hanging round an embarrassingly long time, I rediscovered this set, bought at last year's Sydney show:
 and bingo! The shade fits over the bulb:
I plan to work on this idea further. I just need to finish that other thing off first.

(Oh, and the title of the post? Call of the Small was doing miniature cluster lights way back in July 2011)


  1. Oooohhh...I can tell this little experiment will go far! Those lights are brilliant!

  2. Especially as I plan to go visit Jaycar electronics this week.

    Over the weekend I was obsessed with roof trusses and garden sheds (and how to build them in a modular way so I can configure the pieces to make may variations.

    Now I feel an obsession with bulbs and batteries and shrink tubes coming on :-/
