Monday, March 17, 2014

Little in the big world

As promised, March is a bit mad and I haven't had the time or brain space to create any scenes.
But there have been a few little things in my life recently.
1. I went to Canberra Barcamp* over the weekend. Attendees were encouraged to bring their own nametags and invited to make it fancy or keep it simple.
I went for fancy, and knocked this up in the hour before the conference (after two other disastrous versions were put aside) :
Name tag made from vintage miniature chairs sewn onto plastic canvas with vintage game letters attached to the seats,
It was quite an icebreaker and talking point.
Me wearing my mini-chair name tag at Canberra Barcamp.
(Image courtesy of Gavin Tapp)
2. The lovely Cider Teak returned to work today after a trip to Brisbane and presented me with this:
HappySweets miniature gingerbread house cutters.
She suggests I could have quite a lot of fun with it for the ACTME Miniature Show. I think she's right...

(*An 'unconference' where participants decide on the day what the program is going to be)


  1. Will you be wearing the name tag at said ACTME Fair?

  2. Hadn't thought of that: I might!

  3. The NameTag Is gorgeous! I am sure everybody will remember you!

  4. That name tag is a fantastic idea, everyone will recognise you, if you want to, or not ;)!
    Kind regards, Ilona

  5. I don't seem to be able to think of any comments beyond 'Oh wow!' this evening!

    You might have to wear it in Sydney, too - if it doesn't get in the way when you're bending over the stand.

  6. How creative! Definitely 110% for effort! The chairs themselves are really nice too I might add.

  7. Love the name tag! What a great idea!
