Sunday, June 29, 2014

Coffee table

It's freezing. I have a flat inspection on Tuesday. So decided that my focus this weekend would be on cleaning and tidying the house (which would hopefully keep me warm).

What wasn't on my list was finally deciding what I was going to do with the second table I bought for $4 at the 2013 Sydney show (you'll remember that I painted the first one yellow last year).

But I did. I was inspired by a rustic table I'd seen some time last week in my magazine, book or blog reading (I can't remember which), where the legs had been painted black and the top was rustic and worn looking.
Miniature dining table leg assembly, painted black, sitting on a cutting mat with a spray can of chalkboard paint.
I'd planned to pull apart one of the Typo boxes and use the sides to make the table top, but when I noticed that the one I pulled out of the stash was a coffee box there was a bit of a change of plan.
Miniature dining table leg assembly, painted black, sitting on a cutting mat with a spray can of chalkboard paint and a wooden coffee storage box.
So I experimented with cutting up the front of the box and mixing the bits up for some rustic reuse.
Miniature dining table leg assembly, painted black, topped with a top made of lengths of rustic-looking wood with black printing on them.
After a bit of work with the raw umber acrylic to stain the sides and gaps, I'm leaving it to dry overnight.
Miniature dining table made of lengths of rustic-looking wood with black printing on them, surrounded by black and chrome dining chairs. Behind the table is a bottle of raw umber acrylic paint.
Then I'll decide it I want to attack it with the sander...


  1. Cold are you? Bet a Onesie seems like an attractive idea now ha-ha.

    Love your idea for the table Personally, I don't think you need to sand. It looks fabulous as it is =0)

  2. I agree with Carol, It looks great as is! I love the rustic look of it.

  3. No onesies for me: even if I could find one that was natural fibre. I'm coping by wearing my 2007 winter pirate jumper:

  4. Cold? Summer over here! sunshine, flipflops and cold drinks! Will send some sunshine and warmth your way! Your table looks Fab, I would sand the table to give it the rustic and worn look you where going for. Hug AM

  5. Love the table, I can think of lots of things now that you could chop up to make tops for stools etc. I'd love to do something with an old apple crate. Reminds me of the Arnotts chairs that you see in antique stalls.

  6. Indy_Poppy: Gargh! Why didn't I think of that?!

  7. Very cool table! I LOVE it as is. Would look great in a rustic or modern setting!
