Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Recollect: Home

Apart from the farm buildings on display, the Powerhouse Museum had a Walther & Stevenson doll's house in the their Recollect: Models exhibition.
A vintage doll's house and model hut on display in a museum.
Museum sign for 'Doll's house and contents wood, 1942-47'
 (Although as far as I could see, there were no contents.)
Front view of a vintage doll's house displayed in a museum.
 There were, however, pine cone trees
Close up of a vintage doll's house window, with trees in front of it, made of pine cones.
and super-giant-sized light switches on the side. 
Side view of a vintage doll's house, showing a row of four light switches mounted on the base.
I swear I blogged about the house ages ago when it first arrived at the museum, but damned if I can find it. Instead, I found this awesome blog post from The Powerhouse Museum with great pictures, including ones of the original owner as a child with the house. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad I'll be able to see them! Or I should be able to, round Christmas or January ... Again, though, I wonder why they haven't displayed the furnishings? There's a houseful, wonderful things - which they show on their websites in their collections database, but I'd still love to see in person. Seems like they're focusing on model buildings, to the exclusion of model figures of people or animals, or model furnishings ... Still very interesting, and I'm looking forward to seeing what more wonderful things you photographed there!
