Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Lunch, with a side order of Norwegian Blue*

Pepper's comment, on yesterday's post, that 'The Karma Bank may have something miniature for you this week...' had me hop, skip and jumping across the road to the post office at lunchtime today.

And indeed she was correct:
Dining table with a bowl of soup, a plate of pesto toast, a glass of water and a postal package on it.
Oddly, enough, the minute I opened the package, I completely lost interest in my lunch, which sat there growing cold.
Dining table with a bowl of soup, a plate of pesto toast, a glass of water, bubble wrap and a selection of modern dolls' house miniatures next to a card on which is written 'Happy receive-a-present Day.'
Because the real noms were laid out on the table above my boring old lunch from the freezer...
A card on which is written 'Happy receive-a-present Day', surrounded by five modern dolls' house miniature items: a hand-woven bedspread, three white pottery vases and a birdcage.
complete with my very own Norwegian Blue! Thank you thank you thank you!
Modern dolls' house miniature bird cage, with a blue parrot on its side on the floor of it.
(*Just in case)


  1. NOOOOooooooooo, He died???? How on earth did he drop off the perch? 0~0 Can you use tweezers to stick him back on?

  2. Probably starved to death: all the food and water was gone. ;-P

    I shall stick him back on when I stop shaking with laughter...

  3. I have to admit at first I was like NOOOOOO, then I laughed and laughed when I saw the Monty Python link. This parrot is deceased! Glad you like it anyway =0D

  4. And here I was thinking you'd done it on purpose...

  5. I for one love the idea of 'happy receive-a-present day'. That woven rug is also rather fabulous.

  6. Me too: I have also received 'Happy un-occasion' gifts...

  7. I snorted SO LOUD when I saw the bird, however terrible that might sound! And now I can't stop giggling. I love it though, and I'm sure you can get the little critter back on its perch! Those vessels and rug look fantastic as well! Happy Receive-A-Present Day!!
