Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Meanwhile, back at the Lundby house...

It's been a while since I focused on my Lundby build (apart from picking at the carpet in my spare moments...) and since I figured that I needed time to think through all the answers to yesterday's question (thanks, guys!) and decide which approach to take, it was time to pull it back to the front of the queue.

Where I finally decided to try using a hairdryer to soften the glue holding the flocking onto the bedroom floor.
Hairdryer on a workbench, on top of a carpeted piece of dolls' house floor.
 And realised just how much time I'd wasted picking the flocking off without it.
Hairdryer pointing at a partly-carpeted piece of dolls' house floor.
Hairdryer and ruler on top of a clear piece of dolls' house floor.
 Next up was finishing the repapering. Paula had sent me a message last month asking me if I'd checked the Swedish-language version of the Lundby site for wallpaper templates, as they seemed to be working just fine.

(Erm, no I hadn't and when I followed her links they did indeed work just fine. Thanks Paula!).

So I printed the lounge side wall templates out on card and cut them out.
Printed templates for re-wallpapering a Lundby Smaland dolls' house.
 Except there was a problem...
Template on top of a Lundby wall, showing that it doesn't fit.
 I thought at first that perhaps they hadn't printed out in the correct scale.
Ruler measuring a guide on a piece of paper printed with 'Lundby Smaland 1999-2001 Livingroom/ Scale 1:1'
 And while checking that, noticed that the template said it was for the 1999-2011 Småland. I'm hacking a 2014: perhaps that's my problem?

I went upstairs to check some photos of various Smålands, and it slowly dawned on me that I'd printed the right-hand lounge wall template and what I really needed was the left wall bedroom wall template, as although the wall is in the lounge in my build, it's originally the bedroom.

So, feeling smug, I printed out the correct template and returned downstairs to cut it out and check the fit.
Cardboard template on top of a Lundby Smaland dolls' house wall with window, showing that it doesn't fit.
Hairdryer pointed at the wallpaper on the wall of a Lundby Smaland dolls' house.
Perhaps I could warm up the glue under the wallpaper, peel off the wallpaper and use it as a template? No.
Hairdryer pointed at a window on the wall of a Lundby Smaland dolls' house.
Even better, could I prise the window off if I heated up the glue? Also no.

So I cheered myself up by cutting out the template for the right-hand wall. Which fitted perfectly.
Cardboard template on top of a Lundby Smaland dolls' house wall with French doors.
 And decided to take my frustrations out on pulling apart a Lundby sofa that I need to recover for the build...
Lundby dolls' house sofa sitting on a workbench with tools in the background.


  1. If it makes you feel better, I spilled paint on my near finished project today. Some projects just like to make you scream inside. A lot.
