Tuesday, November 24, 2015

More good mail

Just as I was starting to think that today's blog post would involve pictures of paint drying (and how exciting is that?), I checked the mail and found a package from Kitty and Kat Miniatures waiting for me. (How lucky am I? It's the second good mail day I've had in less than a week...)
Selection of small scrapbooking paper pages, miniature books and a wrapped parcel peeking out of a bubble bag.
The package was full of  goodness: some small scrapbooking sheets,
Selection of small scrapbooking paper pages and dolls' house miniature books, tinsel, pottery and accessories with a note on a table.
a selection of design books (made by Kat),
Selection of five modern dolls' house miniature books on design, one of which is being held between a finger and a thumb.
 a tiny gnome figure,
Tiny dolls' house miniature gnome ornament, being held between a finger and a thumb.
 and some lovely blue pottery.
Two pieces of dolls' house miniature pottery with blue glaze.
Also included were two packages of tinsel (also made by Kat), a magnifying glass, a letter A for my collection and a thumbtack wall piece.

Thanks Kat! I can't wait until I have the time and head space to start making scenes again so I can use some of these...


  1. For the life of me I couldn't think of the pottery brand when I mailed it, but it finally hit me! They're both Bodo Hennig!

    The elf.....it was just cute and I got myself one too. It reminded me of The Jetsons!

    The pottery, elf and the magnifying glass came from The Little Dollhouse Company. I had an outing there. Things got out of control ;)

  2. A lovely package! The pottery is so fab! Think I'll have to find some of those for me.
