Sunday, March 27, 2016

Not at all what I'd planned (day two)

I've not made any progress on yesterday's build. In fact, things have gone backwards (I thought I was being burgled last night: until I realised the sounds I was hearing was the Blu Tack falling off the walls, and the shelves with it:)
Modern dolls' house scene of a kitchen with the shelves above the bench fallen off the walls with stings of Blu Tack remaining.
And since today's priorities were elsewhere, things have stayed the same. And I realise that this is how I end up with half-build scenes that never get blogged...

On a positive note, last night I finally finished three commissioned pieces from last year's sPIN exhibition at ANCA: just in time to give them to the recipient for her birthday:
Three miniature cedar crates containing letters of the alphabet and items that match. From left to right: 'B' and five miniature books, 'C' and a bottle of champagne with two glasses, and 'G' with a watering can and trowel. A finger is shown for scale.
And this morning I dealt with the 171 photos I took for The tiny Times at this year's ACT Miniature Enthusiasts show. I treated myself afterwards with a trip to the National Gallery of Australia to (finally) see their Black exhibition.
Entrance to an exhibition with the name of it ('Black') on the lefthand wall, with explanation text below. On the right a man in a red shirt is looking at an all-black art work.
Interior view of an exhibition of black art, with several black work on display to the left, and a black Issey Miyake dress on display on a  mannequin on the right.
Which was well worth it: highlights for me were works by Jospef Albers, Josepeh Cornell, Colin McCahon and various other New Zealand artists.

And then I came home and finally tried creating some kitchen storage containers from the Tic Tac boxes I bought last June.
And pondered the fact that unlike most magazine people, I seem to be existing about a year behind, not six months ahead :-/

1 comment:

  1. And here I thought I was the only miniaturist to be dependent on blue-tack...

