Friday, December 02, 2016

Finish it off Friday: Tray bien*

It seemed like a good time to return to an old weekly habit, especially as my box of kits seems to be much fuller than I remembered...

I started with this Dragonfly International two-tray kit that I picked up cheaply at this year's Sydney show.
One-twelfth scale miniature tray kit in packaging.
At work today, while I was thinking about starting the Finish it off Friday challenge again, I remembered this kit: thinking it would be an easy way to ease back into the habit. But I couldn't decide how best to finish the tray, tossing up between 'light and bright' or 'dark and moody'. So I was pretty happy to discover, when I dug the kit out of my stash, that I got two kits to play with. Problem solved!
One-twelfth scale miniature tray kit pieces arranged next to the instructions.
 I've been at the pieces with the spray cans: now I just have to wait overnight for them to dry properly before I glue them together.
Half-finished one-twelfth scale miniature tray kits: one has a black base and wooden edges, the other a yellow formica base and white edges.

(*Yes, I know that's not how it's spelt...)


  1. Ooohh...can't wait to see them finished off!

  2. I like your plan to finish up projects...just need to get myself on that plan. :D The trays look great so far!

  3. I too have these trays sitting in my drawer of kits yet to complete.
    Yours are already looking good! and yet isn't it Amazing the power of transformation which a simple coat of paint can immediately achieve? :D

  4. Elizabeth: a quick tip. The trays are two sizes. I was in a rush to start working on them (and it wasn't mentioned in the instructions to check): so I ended up painting the wrong bases the wrong colours. Which meant I had to wait for colour #one to dry before over-spraying with the other colour.(After being tempted for just a minute to just swap them over and have a white base with a wooden surround and a black base with a white surround...)

    I do have a back-up plan in case the repaint doesn't work out :-/
