Thursday, February 15, 2024


Although (as you can see) the bed hasn't progressed much further since yesterday (although I'm strongly leaning towards the floral on the far right to add to the existing fabric choices, so there's that), I have moved down my list in other areas.

I've done some image searching for likely views from the (false) windows, and have a few likely options to choose from.

I found more appropriate wall pieces (tidying up that stash in the process), taped them together so they won't fall over, then blutacked the wall coverings on to them.

So now I'm at the stage where I need to decide on the flooring.

Here's what I have at so far:

Option 1:

One-twelfth scale modern miniature bedroom with bed, dresser, table and chair. The floor is wooden boards with an oversized, faded floral deisgn.
This is a bamboo runner I bought way back in 2014, which has been waiting for the right project. Although I like the concept, I'm a tad concerned about the yellow colour it introduces, but wonder if I can tone that down, either with some chemical intervention, or just the addition of a rug: or if it will be less noticeable once the rest of the room is dressed.

Option 2:
One-twelfth scale modern miniature bedroom with bed, dresser, table and chair. The floor is pink ribbed carpet.
I think this is the safe option: an anti-skid mat from Daiso, bought in 2015 and previously used in a 2020 Daily dolls' house December scene.

But it makes me realise that I only addressed the 'Who lives here?'  question in passing.

Because if, perhaps, it's a daughter still living at home with well-off parents, pink carpet would be appropriate: I'd just need to amp up the other colours to make up for it.

Option 3:

One-twelfth scale modern miniature bedroom with bed, dresser, table and chair. The floor is dark grey ribbed carpet.
I know I've used this floor covering before, but trying to search for when is slightly beyond me at this point. 

It gives me student flat or student housing vibes, and if I decide this is the way I want to go I may need to reassess my choices for window views.

Option 4:
One-twelfth scale modern miniature bedroom with bed, dresser, table and chair. The floor is cork.
Cork. Of course, if I decide this is the way I want to go, I'll probably need to turn it into tiles and then seal it.

Which makes me think it's unlikely to happen. Because I have a (self-inflicted) deadline.

I think I need to sleep on it (the idea, not the bed, in case you are concerned!)


Anonymous said...

My two cents on the flooring options :
I almost always use coffee stirrers or scrapbook paper imitating wood planks.
Option 1 : nice ! Use ink or alcohol markers maybe to « brown » them ?
Option 2 : why not ? Depends on the mini person living there
Option 3 : not fan
Option 4 : my feet do not like tiles or bricks (or in southern France : Tomettes) when stepping out of the bed ;) for me too much work agree with you
Option 1 would be my choice !
Mini ElleAime

AMCSviatko said...

Hi again Mini ElleAmie

Coffee stirrers are way too much time and effort for an ephemeral build, and I agree with you on scrapbooking paper for floors: although I accidentally built a rod for my own back by using the white-painted bamboo placemat for one wall so finding paper to go would be difficult.
And option 4 would have been cork times so much softer and warmer (but, again, too much work for now!
And yes, all the feedback I've had suggests option 1 is the way to go :-)