Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Going round in circles.

So after a streak (no, not that kind!) of crafty inspiration over the weekend you'd think I'd be taking a break, right?

Hell no - I decided since luck was on my side I pulled out the circular needles and tutorial Pink Rocket sent me. And in two seconds flat I worked out where I was going wrong last time (ahem) round and we're off laughing. Apart from the fact the only circular needles I have are bigger than those needed for the Kittyville hat I'm knitting.

But I'll keep going - at the worst I'll have to frog it but it'll be good practice. At the best I'll have another new goody for free.

Did I mention I like this crafting malarky? It's like shopping except you don't have to pull out your wallet. (In fact you could make your own if you felt so inspired). In the last 2 weeks I've got new PJs, a jumper, a scarf, a knitting needle holder and a bag and it was all FREE! Can't complain about that now can you?

(Soundtrack: Jimmy Somerville, Manage the Damage)

On a side note Holy Guacamole! As of this evening there have been over 1000 people come check out my black and white spot in cyberspace. And to think when I started just over 2 months ago I thought I'd be happy with about 20 readers. Thank you for visiting and reading and (sometimes) commenting!


  1. Good on you 1000 readers!
    You write very informative and interesting bits and peices and this keeps us all coming back.

  2. whoo hoo! you're knitting in the round! i hope the little tut was helpful!
