Thursday, November 09, 2006

Corners of my World - Quirky Canberra

1. Just in case you didn't believe me last week when I said we had a city centre sign, here's proof. Gotta love a city that has to have a sign telling you where it is...2. Speaking of signs, this one's great. Yep, you have to watch out for those skiing kangaroos on the Parkway down to Tuggeranong.
3. I was intrigued last year when a number of previously boring traffic signal boxes started looking a lot more colourful. At first I thought it was guerilla graffiti but eventually I worked out that they were part of the Colour in Canberra competition. This is one of my favorites.
4. I love the madness of the Base Camp in the Geoscience Australia Library.

I believe this space was originally designed to be a rainforest until the Librarian of the time suggested that a rainforest in the middle of a large amount of paper was probably not such a good idea. And so they got a desert with a couple of palm trees instead.

And very soon the desert got inhabitants. Priscilla (our flying friend below) is a new arrival since I was last out there. I wonder if they feed scientists with overdue library books to her?5. I originally planned to add photos of the Narnia-like toilets at Pangea in Manuka. Enter one side and you're in a cafe. Keep on going and you pop out in the foyer of Greater Union Manuka - a very useful thing to know in midwinter when you don't fancy going back outside.

The reason you don't have a photo is because the night I went the toilets were closed for maintenance. Sorry.


  1. how far or fast I would go or drive in my city..can never see a kangaroo =))maybe some dogs..or cats ..
    how non-exciting..

  2. Oh I see lots of kangaroos at the side of the road.

    Unfortunately, they're usually dead...
