Thursday, May 03, 2007

IKEA Hack/ Mothers' Day gift idea

Glass-less picture frame containing a Man Ray postcard held in place by a clothes peg. I'd forgotten about this IKEA Hack and thought I'd feature it now in case you wanted to steal the idea for a Mothers' Day present.

I bought some Ribba frames years ago and broke the glass in one of them. Rather than throw the frame away (or put it aside where it would sit forever while I got round to getting new glass cut for it) I did the following:

* Removed the mat, leaving just the backing card in place.
* Bought a packet of Home Brand wooden clothes pegs, and stained one with the wenge coloured stain I had on hand.
* Waited for the peg to dry then glued it onto the backing card.
*Clipped on a postcard I'd picked up at an exhibition I went to (originally I'd planned to change the card on a regular basis but Man Ray has been in there for a couple of years and seem to have no plans to move)

The entire project cost under $2 (the cost of the pegs, with enough left over for 11 more frames!)

Even if you bought a frame from the op shop and a test pot to paint the frame and peg with, it shouldn't cost you more than $5 to make.

(Listening to: Fabric 3)
Featured on IKEA Hackers in June 2007.

See my other IKEA hacks:
Colouring in fabric (December 2006)
Zippered pouch (December 2006)
Shopping tote (January 2007)
Rationelle coasters (February 2007)


  1. Oh. My. Gourd.
    I believe there was a kind and generous offer made a while back..oh about 3.5 years ago... involving one ripped linen sheet.
    And did I respond?
    Am I consumed by guilt?
    Am I attempting to set it right?
    You betcha!
    Sorry...What can I say? I'm a dufus.
    You are too too kind, but I actually chucked the ripped-off bit. Yes, I know.
    Anyhoo...I think I am going to have to make your spinach/fetta muffins, thanks for the recipe.

  2. You amaze me with your ideas every time I read your blog, that looks great, I think you should be employed by Ikea to promote there items.

  3. Aw shucks! *shuffles feet and blushes while hoping IKEA notices*

    Carson - don't worry yourself - I'd almost forgotten the offer except for the fact I was holding aside some ribbon I bought in New York with knitting instructions on it which I thought might be perfect :-P

  4. found you through ikea hacker...
    LOVE this idea!

  5. I got a bunch of ribba frames but they all appear to have no wall hanger, can anyone tell me how to hang the frames or suggest a way?


  6. Doug - my Ribba frames are:

    * Balanced on nails banged into walls
    * Balanced on plastic hooks hammered into plaster walls
    * Sitting on shelves

    But if you were desperate I'm sure you could get handy with a drill, some cup hooks and string and hang them "properly"

  7. I really like this. The clothes pin makes it look like its developing in a dark room.

  8. What a great idea, I'm going to do that with some of my wedding photos!
