Friday, May 04, 2007

Oh bum! It would seem cupcakes are now passé...

...just as I packaged up mine to take to Sydney tonight.

Yup, it would seem scones are the new big thing (odd, I didn't even know Americans knew about scones - always thought they called them biscuits...)

And I'm pleased to say I was one year ahead of trend. (*snort*) Now if I could only work out a pattern for knitted scones...

(Listening to: Sketch Night & Day (free with April 2007's Living Etc magazine)


  1. Yum, love a good scone! But the cupcakes are prettier.

    Scones would have to be knitted a bit more freeform maybe.

    Hope you have a great time in Sydney.

  2. noooooo cupackes will never be passe =)

    I agree with taph - I'm not sure a knitted scone would be nearly as pretty ;)

  3. rAs a former Brit, I can tell you that Americans do have scones, but they're nothing like the real thing. They're massive doughy things rather than the lovely, light buttery Commonwealth treats. Biscuits are savory scones--no sugar in them.

    PS Love the cupcakes.

  4. I'm with tapohile. Cupcakes are much prettier.
