Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fiscal Fast Day Twenty Eight: Accounting for Saturday

It's almost the end of the financial year so once again it was all accounts all the time around here yesterday. Sadly, I rather enjoy the twice yearly sort out: climbing up to the top cupboard in The Room of Shame and pulling down the folders of accounts old enough to get rid of. Emptying out this financial year's bills and statements into another folder to go up to the top cupboard once I've got my tax done. Working out how much I spent on my regular bills over the last year and locking in my budget for the bill paying account for the next six months.

And making decisions like:
* Will I keep my two sponsored kids next financial year? (yes)
* Do I finally want to switch to
Greenchoice power? (yes)
* Is there anywhere in my budget I can shave off a few dollars? (not really)
* Am I going to be able to spend a weekend in Brisbane next month like I wanted to? (alas no)

There was also a little bit of bread baking (mainly wholemeal this week as I only had quarter of a cup of white flour left), a tiny bit of housework, and, in the evening, a trip to see
Romulus my Father at ANU Film Group with the gang. The Home Song Stories was on afterwards but we decided it would be too depressing staying on for it.

Day Twenty Eight:

Breakfast: Tea. Half a giant mushroom (chopped), a tomato (chopped) and parsley (chopped) on the last slices of last week's bread, toasted.

Lunch: Freshly baked wholemeal bread and cheese with the leftover coleslaw from last night.

Afternoon tea: Crispbreads and the last of the chargrilled veges.

Dinner: Reheated leftover pumpkin and spinach risotto from the freezer.

Supper (at Film Group): Tea and chocolate courtesy of J. Oaty ginger biscuit courtesy of S.

Finished today:
* Bread (I was baking more as I ate it)
* Plain flour (I think I can make it through to Tuesday with just wholemeal and self raising)

* Chargrilled veges (a gift so not something I usually have on hand anyway)
* Milk (bought more this morning)
* Cat food (ditto)

Total spent since June 1: $152.91 (plus $116.84 on a dolls house)

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