Friday, September 19, 2008

Aarrr! I be feeling some sewing coming on...

Don't panic, that's all the pirate talk you'll find on this blog for today. How was International Talk Like a Pirate Day for you? I planned to wear my skull and cross needles T to work but piked out at the last minute. One other colleague was "yo ho" and "Aarrr!"ing but apart from that it was pretty low key.

Anyway. Sewing. Roving Reporter Rowan mentioned that the
1957 Lundby house's beds were bereft of any bedding which concerned her. And she wasn't buying my tale of a plague and a bedding-burning.

So I dug around in the stash mountain for suitably 1957 vintagey bits. Luckily I had a bed here which matches the armchair and footstools in the bedroom so I could use it for colour matching (in case you're wondering why I don't just use this bed, there's only one and I wanted 2 beds in the room)

I found an old doona cover in cheater fabric which had two designs that I thought would work. Apart from the glaringly white background. After a good soaking in a bowl full of several pots of strong tea (to which was added some vintage lace which came with the sewing tin Taph gave me, some bias binding I discovered and, belatedly, some soft fleecy fabric) I have this:High on the list for tomorrow is hand sewing two mattresses, two pillows, two sheets and two soft fluffy blankets. I'd use the machine but I don't think that would quite give them the proper "vintage actually" feel. I want the results to look like they've been around as long as the furniture...

Speaking of "vintage actually", I've been meaning to share this chart from my 1939 edition of Dressmaking is Easy which shows the measurements for patterns of the time: (
Larger version on FLICKR)

Perhaps it might clear up some confusion along the lines of "I bought a vintage size 12 pattern but it doesn't go anywhere near me. I'm a size 12, I swear!"

I also have to share the opening paragraph:

"Sewing is quite properly spoken of as an art. It is an art in that it is a form of creative expression. The woman or girl who sews finds the same relaxation and release that the painter discovers in his canvas, or the writer in his manuscript."

The book also explains that

"If you do much sewing, an electric machine will be of great advantage. It will save time, because of its speed and quick response; it will take the drudgery out of sewing, for the motor does all the work and the light illuminates the goods; and you will enjoy everything you do on it."

1 comment:

  1. try this great shopping site
