Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Need to tome it down a little...

Books (and music) have always been my weakness. I suspect it's a family thing.

From when I first left home at the age of 17 (salary: $6,000 a year, rent: $50 a week) I've had a bad habit of putting new books or records (later CDs) ahead of other discretionary spending.

Including, at times, food.

I was very tempted to not blog today and give some hastily concocted excuse for my silence. But that wouldn't be fair to the spirit of open and honest communication needed during a month where I decided to undertake a Cook from the Cupboard challenge.

So here's today's report:

Breakfast: Fruit toast and homemade apricot and vanilla jam.

It's payday from job #2 (such as it is) which means Accounts Day. I remember that I got a renewal notice for Madison magazine before I left with an offer of a free book. But in the latest mag they're offering two free books and I'd prefer the one that's not mentioned on my subscription renewal notice. So, in true TSS cheeky style I call the subscription line to see if I can swap books and get the one I want. And I come away with the promise that I'll be sent not only the book I want but the other one as well.

If I wanted to do girl maths I could say my $79.95 subscription renewal only cost $20 as I'm getting $59.95 worth of free books. But I won't do that, will I?

Morning tea: Crackers and cheese.

Lunch: It's a tradition I have that the first day of any new job I buy myself lunch. I think it's a tradition I need to overhaul as I seem to be having a lot of first days at the moment (even if this one is a non-job.)

Since I'm in town I head to Sizzle Bento's sushi train. And leave, $14.50 later, a very happy and relaxed girl.

Which is why I don't notice my wallet pulling me across Garema Place until I'm standing outside of Academic Remainders. I manage to stagger out $39.85 later with three books which are definitely within the collection development policy but which I really shouldn't have managed to shoehorn themselves into my budget this week.

And bookwise, I didn't even mention the two magazines that arrived in the post this morning, along with my (fabulous) birthday present (plus extra) from The Parental Units: two more books. Man, I'm bibliographically blissed out and that's not even mentioning the library books I'm trying to get through at the moment!
(Now if I could just work out a way to be paid (well) to read for the next 2 years I might just manage to get my reading pile up to date.)

Oh yes: almost forgot about afternoon tea: banana and almonds
And dinner: baked tofu with udon noodles, stir fry veges and satee sauce.

The damage, 2 June 2009 (*cringe*):

Madison subscription: $79.95
Lunch: $14.50
Books: $39.85

Total for today: $134.40

Total for June: $176.93

(There's more of today I'd like to mention: my first day interning at Craft ACT. Discovering that my printmaking portfolio is supposed to be handed in tomorrow when I thought assessment was June 17th. And SMSes from my cruise buddies who are bobbing round in the Pacific on the Dawn Princess: which has 5 reported cases of Swine Flu on board... But I think it's time to go to bed and read. Oddly enough.)


  1. So good to see you today, relaxed and happy. If not a lot poorer!

    I went past the 3 for 2 offer table at Borders later on, and there were at least 6 books there I could reasonably purchase. I must keep reminding myself I shouldn't!

  2. When you add up what you spent in one day, it sounds like a lot ... BUT, when you subtract the cost of the book you wanted anyway, and the other free book, from the Madison subscription, and divide $20 by the number of issues, it is money well spent! And, lucky you, you can go into an Academic Remainders bookshop and look at the books before you buy them AND not have to pay postage.
    I somehow think logicians and mathematicians would pull these arguments to pieces, but what could you be a better investment than books? except, perhaps, dolls houses or ...
    Good luck with the printmaking portfolio! It will undoubtedly be wonderful.
