Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mini Missoni

I was happy to recently discover that you can now buy US Vogue in Canberra. I used to subscribe but lapsed last year and have been missing it ever since. Last week I treated myself to a copy of the September issue.

And noticed that
Missoni has done a range for US Target. Now I don't usually like Missoni's style (except maybe for these) so was a little surprised to suddenly find myself inspired enough to rat round in the Cupboard of Possibilities in my Room of Shame to dig out my vintage mini ric rac supplies. (See where I'm heading with this?)Add a piece of my trusty old white sheet, some double sided sticky webbing stuff and some fiddly ironing.

Followed by some sewing, turning and stuffing...
et voila!

(I should probably pipe them but I can't be bothered.)


  1. OoooOOOOhhhh! I love this pillow. And the mini iPad down below. And the fun chair up above.

    I haven't forgotten about our swap, but I do have ideas for what to swap back now. *wink, wink*

  2. Hi Lyssa

    If you want a indicative idea of my style, best to check out my real home here:

    or here:
