Saturday, June 22, 2013


In my last post, in reply to a question from Hunky Dory, I talked about where I get my modern miniatures from. And I promised to talk about  'miniature-eyes' (as opposed to 'miniaturise').

Today a friend and I visited the local factory outlet mall so I could show her the Typo factory outlet. And, since we both need more exercise, we did the whole loop, Including the homewares hub. 

I, as always, made a bee line to the napery to check out the black and white tea towel situation and what placemats and napkins that I could use in miniature.

And decided, after making a few purchases, that this is as good  a place to start talking about 'miniature-eyes' as any. Here's what I bought from Freedom Furniture's sale:
 Two shiny silver and one red placemat ($8.46 each: I see floors and wall treatments), two rubber 'Carnival' coasters ($3.74 each: cool wall art or table tops) and a fundraising magnet ($2.21: wall art)

At Adiars, this three-pack of tea towels caught my eye:
$6.95 for the set and the yellow would work perfectly against the yellow of the table I spray painted last week.

My friend was quite amazed, saying 'You can see miniatures in everything!'. And that's the thing. You can. Just as long as you're looking right.

(This does make it a bit of a problem when you're working with people who wear business shirts and ties which would make excellent miniature upholstery and bedding. There is no polite way to say to someone you hardly know 'When that wears out can I have it?')


  1. I'm just brazen and tell everyone I work with to give me old watches, fabric and broken electricals and explain that they're helping the environment by letting me recycle =0)

    It is so true that if you can see the smaller picture, you can see the possibilities of miniature everywhere you go.

  2. I scrutinize EVERYTHING for mini potential, and it's hard to throw anything away (which is becoming a huge problem). I also have friends saving their trash for me. #1 problem: no time to actually put it all together!

  3. Ah yes, the 'no time to put it all together' (because you're now looking at this week's treasures) dilemma. I know it well :-)
