Sunday, June 23, 2013

Yellow table 1

So, before I get sidetracked with new ideas incorporating my recently-painted yellow table, I threw together a quick scene using my original inspiration:
I call this one New York City boy. It started with a length of printed felt that came back in a bunch of fabric I took to use at hAbitAt 2013. Perfect to turn into a rug.

Checked rug? Yellow table? What else could I do but put together a scene inspired by a New York City taxi? Except, as I searched through my stash of accessories I came across a Keith Haring print that Amazing Miniatures sent me as part of a swap a couple of years ago (which I can't recall having used properly yet). And the scene turned into a more general hat-tilt to New York. (Note the big apple in the corner...)


  1. I love this!!! The table in yellow makes it so modern.

  2. oh,yeah...I once did a 1:1 scale room in yellow and black...groovy.
