Sunday, June 23, 2013

Yellow table 2

In a slight deviation from the plan, before I got to creating a room based on the yellow table and the tea towels I bought yesterday, I remembered the scrapbooking paper I picked up for a song at Eckersley's some  weeks back.

And wondered if I could come up with a home-schooling or playroom scene. A bit of a challenge since I don't usually do children's rooms so didn't believe I had much to work with.

But I dismantled today's earlier scene with the table, leaving just the table and the plain walls. Pulled out the paper and started by creating a feature wall with it. White floorboards seemed like the right match and so down they went.

At this stage I went downstairs to do the dishes, giving my subconscious time to think of options. Spied the undercoated hutch in the dining room and decided that would work well as a storage cupboard. Back upstairs, a rummage through my box of chairs resulted in a lovely mismatch of items and the scene came together:
 I call it 'Snack time'. Thus ensuring I don't have to decide if this is a class room, a home-schooling scene, or a playroom. :-)
 I used coloured pins for temporary handles on the hutch which I think pulls the table and hutch together visually. (I managed to use in my recent magnet purchase, too!)
 A sheet of corkboard made a suitable wall covering for the second wall, and highlighted the hutch and contents.
 The other end of the room is a play and reading area.
(And, currently, a bit of a mess...)


  1. Cheeerful and fun scenes with lots of inspirational details for mini-students! Love the cololors!

  2. This is great, man! AND I like that yellow paint on the table.

  3. So cute! And I love that tiny microscope!

  4. I love this..especially the sock monkey.

  5. The microscope is Playmobil. They do some great modern minis (and are very cheap)...

  6. Just found your blog trough Kyles blog =) I love the colours! Hannah
