Sunday, February 28, 2016

Getting there eventually

Box of an I DO 3D pen set.
 Back in October last year, I entered (and won!) a Spotlight Facebook contest with the prize of an IDO3D pen set.

It's been sitting on my desk ever since, waiting until I had the time and energy to focus on it (and the clear space to photograph it). Having had a whole weekend at home, I made the time to clean up at least part of my studio so I have space to work again. Which also meant space to unpack the IDO3D pen set and see what it's all about.

For such a large box, there's not very much in it:
Contents of an I DO 3D pen set, including instruction and tracing sheets, plastic forms, pen tips, a spotlight and a bag with pens in it.
instruction and tracing sheets, plastic forms to work on, two pens and pen tips, and a spotlight.

I start with the bits that need putting together before use.
I DO 3D pens and pen tips in packets, an instruction sheets, plastic forms and a spotlight.
The pens come with caps for shipping: unscrew these and screw on the tips that come with the kit.
Two I DO 3D pens and their matching tips, with the bag they came in.
I was a little surprised that the pens seem to be full of liquid plastic. I expected them to have some sort of extrusion instead: probably through my familiarity with 3D printers.
Mouth of an I DO 3D pen, with cap and tip in the background.
Two I DO 3D pens with tips on.
 Next, insert three AAA batteries into the spotlight.
I DO 3D spotlight with instructions, three AAA batteries and a screwdriver.
(Unless they're not charged, in which case pop them in the charger and write a blog post while you wait for them to charge. *sigh*)
Parts of the I DO 3D spotlight next to a battery charger charging three AAA batteries.
To be continued...


  1. At least you had enough of the batteries. I'm usually one short. Lol

  2. I was hoping that I didn't have enough, so would be forced to go to IKEA (BECAUSE I CAN!) ;-)

  3. Hi Anna-Maria,
    Glad everything arrived safe and well. The glasses/vases are the tops of the cat flee treatment tubes - and since the cat is 20 years old, I have quite a few of those. If you want more just holler. Yes I did make the tissues boxes but I thought the design would be better suited to your style of decoration. If you like the "piggy" design material I have a bit more. As for the Andy Warhol style tags, when I found them in my stash I immediately thought of you.
    Did you see that Aldi were selling last week, a 3D printer for $500. Food for thought isn't it. To think that only a few years ago, you had to fork out several 000's!!!!!
    Hope you get your miniature groove back soon. I am looking at going back to work soon as I am now almost completely recovered from the effects of the chemotherapy. I believe I will find very hard physically and mentally to have my days dictated by a third party. That's life I suppose. Warmest regards Catherine

  4. At least you can go to Ikea...We are getting one about 20 minutes away at the end of 2017....I'm trying very hard to be patient! I'm interested in seeing how these 3D pens work.
