Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mini excuses...

...why I've not blogged properly for a month:

1. I've been working full time and it's been exhausting.

2. I was sick (for three days, but still...)
Selection of magazines on a bed, along with a number of black and white hankies and a bottle of  vitamin tablets.
 3. I've volunteered as an Unorganiser for this year's Unconference Canberra, which has been sucking up my spare time.
Group of people sitting around a coffee table filled with various drinks and glasses.
4. I had to get the February issue of The tiny Times finished before I could do anything else.
Magazine with a red pen on top of it, next to a plate with a breakfast burger on it.
5. And once I had, the last thing I wanted to look at was anything miniature-related.

6. I've been helping a friend pack for an inter-state shift.

7. I've been having fun being social with some of the money I'm earning.

8. I was waiting to hear back about what was happening with Bette Noir.

9. It's been too hot in the evenings to do anything other than collapse in a puddle of sweat.

10. My studio is such a disaster zone there's not been room to work on anything, even if I felt the urge.

But this weekend I've run out of excuses. And I have the time to sort out my flat (including finding my desk).

Which means I finally photographed the package from Catherine that turned up a couple of weeks ago and has been patiently waiting for my attention ever since.

Catherine had kindly offered to send me some fabric that she thought I'd like, but managed to sneak a few little extras into the package
A bag of miniature items and two matchboxes on top of an event invitation and a postcard.
 including a matchbox full of miniature (non-working) Christmas lights,
Matchbox with two strings of miniature Christmas lights spilling out of it.
 and another full of glasses (or vases).
Matchbox with nine miniature blue glasses or vases spilling out of it.
 There was also a bag of treasures, including two tissue boxes that I believe Catherine made herself.
Selection of miniature items laid out on a tabletop, including woven vases, tissue holders, posters and plastic flamingos.
Plus, of course, the fabric that she had originally offered me (and a lot of extra pieces that somehow snuck into the package...)
Selection of fabric samples and pieces of fabric, laid out on a table.
Thank you, Catherine. I'm really hoping that I can carve out some time (and inspiration) to return to mini-making by the end of the month.


  1. Welcome back :) I love the fabric on the upper left corner of the picture, directly thought of it as a rug with a massive wood table on top of it, a white vase and some light pink roses... Really great minis you have received, enjoy!

  2. Sounds like you've been a bit busy~ It looks like you have some very nice surprises.
