Monday, December 19, 2016

Hey Maestro, Nespresso!

It is done. Not perfect, but done, as the saying goes.
Modern miniature credenza in front of a black wall with a large wooden tree of life on it. On the credenza is a Nespresso machine, tray with cups, saucers, milk and a container of biscuits, next to two wine glasses, a water glass and a silver milk jug.
Here's what I learnt along the way:

The plastic it's made of is porous. The spray varnish I used seeped in and all but disappeared. Repeatedly. I gave up after three coats.

This also means that my Weldbond didn't bond. I resorted to the old 'add some spots of superglue' trick. Alas I forgot how quickly it dries: so one side panel's a bit wonky.

The reservoir's tricky. I used a photo of a real Nespresso reservoir I pulled off line and cloned together before printing to size onto photo paper. It looks OK as long as you don't get too close.

I would have happily spent some extra money on the piece if the reservoir was printed separately in a clear plastic. Or if it had been left off: I was contemplating sawing it off and replacing it with a piece of clear straw but suspected that would have ended in complete disaster, so left it as it was.
Modern miniature credenza in front of a black wall with a large wooden tree of life on it. On the credenza is a Nespresso machine and a tray with cups, saucers, milk.
But, overall, I'm happy with the end result. And that I actually finished it.

And especially that I've set it up in the corner of that Airbnb scene that I've been struggling with for a couple of weeks. I'm hoping that's a good sign that I'm all wired up on it all fired up on it...


  1. Here's a weird thought if you want to try it again. Don't use a spray on poly. Get some clear nail varnish. It's thick enough that even if it seeps in a bit you'll still get a gloss look in the end.

    The other thing I've found with Shapeways is that you sometimes need to take a toothbrush to the pieces and get all the excess plastic dust off them before doing anything to them. I had to do that with all my latches and handles in NOLA House before I could begin to put them on the windows.

  2. Good points indeed, Sheila. Thank you! (And I hadn't even thought of brushing my orders before using them...)

  3. Mmmmmm, Your coffee corner has a very Welcoming aroma of hot coffee wafting from it. :))
    The Nespresso machine kit turned out really well especially with the plastic sides you've given it.
    Having never painted a raw 3-D printable, it was educational to learn of some of your struggles with it and then to read Sheila's suggestions.
    All things considered, I think that it is job well done! :D
