Sunday, December 18, 2016

Saved by the sales bin

One-twelfth scale modern miniature 3D-printed Nespresso machine next to two price stickers ($1.00 and $0.50)
My plans to finish this week's Finish it off Friday challenge (a 3D-printed Nespresso machine from Shapeways, designed by Marion Russek) were foiled when my printer ran out of ink to print the water in the reservoir, Happily, when I popped into Officeworks to buy some, and had my usual rummage through the bargain bin, I discovered the perfect solution for the side pieces:
Two plastic folder covers: ine brown and one clear, and a roll of gold giftwrap.
Presentation folders with teeny tiny corrugations on them, for 50 cents each. I bought several to add to my stash. (The roll of gold gift wrap was a $1.40 find at IKEA, but that's a different story...).

When I went to paint the relevant pieces of the Nespresso machine silver, I also realised I'd run out of silver paint (or, at least, seem to have mislaid it) but found a silver calligraphy pen which actually turned out easier in the circumstances. 
One-twelfth scale modern miniature 3D-printed Nespresso machine with silver highlights next to a silver caligraphy pen
 I printed out a dodged-up photo of the reservoir my my new ink, to glue to the back of the machine, and cut the side and front panels from the folder cover.
One-twelfth scale modern miniature 3D-printed Nespresso machine with silver highlights next to a silver caligraphy pen, three pieces of clear ribbed plastic and a photo of water.
 I spray-painted the panels matte silver and was quite pleased with the result.
One-twelfth scale modern miniature 3D-printed Nespresso machine with silver highlights next to a silver caligraphy pen, three pieces of silver-coloured ribbed plastic and a photo of water.
Now I just have to wait for things to dry before I do the final assembly...


  1. The question is "Should I look for the hooks for my tenter?" or will you be finished before I need them?

  2. Wow! I'm amazed at how it looks so far. Nice work!

  3. Looks Great and looking forward to what it will finally look like tomorrow :))
