Wednesday, May 08, 2024

A framing frenzy

 My stash drawer reorganisation worked a treat and I was able to place my hands on both my stash of overhead-projector film and my container of small white card scraps within seconds of opening the drawer, which pleased me greatly.

And meant that I could spend my lunchtime framing rather than finding:

Selection of one-twelfth scale framed pictures propped up against furniture in a dark academia study scene.
I approached the framing a bit differently to how I usually doing it, using washi tape to hold things in place rather than my usual approach of gluing a sheet of thin brown paper bag over the back.

Back if a one-twelfth scale framed picture, showing washi tape used to hold the picture in place.
This means that the framing isn't permanent and I can easily swap in a different picture for a future scene that I need the frame for. Hopefully this approach will hold together once I attach them to the wall with Blu Tack...

The butterfly picture missed out on the framing for now, as I spray painted the metal frame black: and alas made a whoopsie which I'll need to correct before I can use it.
One-twelfth scale metal picture frame spray painted black, on the piece of baking paper used as a backdrop for the painting.
But it's too cold to spray paint now, so that'll have to be a job for tomorrow lunchtime.


  1. Does the washi tape work better and not stick so bad so that you can remove it later? Not much experience with that type of tape here. Thanks!!

  2. Great question R Jones: not sure yet as I've not hung them, photographed the scene and pulled the pictures and backing off the frame. If it doesn't work I'll have a crack with painters' (frog) tape, which I'd prefer not to use because of the colour and the fact the tape is wider than washi.
