Thursday, October 26, 2006

Just what I need - another project to add to the ever-growing list!

Jo Sharp Knit Issue 2 turned up at the Newsagents* this week. And I can buy it without guilt (which is actually a rather nice feeling). Good thing I bought it too, as it has the perfect pattern for an idea that's been bouncing round in the back on my head for this wool.

What do you think?
I thought I could get super-carried-away and try and make a skirt out of this to go with it:I originally thought tulip but I suspect by the time I get to it they'll be back into their 20 year cycle of so daggy you wouldn't want to wear them. So maybe a pencil skirt.

I'm sure the whole endeavour will end in certain disaster (I've always been very good at over-extending myself) but it'll be fun while the dream lasts, and I if all else fails I can be proudly frugal that both items cost a mere $35.

(And yes, I'm well aware there's colour in there. Thank you!)

*Just in case you thought I forgot it's Thursday, here's a picture of the Newsagents for my Corners of my World series...

(LIstening to: Hotel Costes Vol 9)


  1. well I just think that pattern's got 'Aotea' written all over it!

    Pencil's better anyway..more 50's (I'm assuming that's what you're aiming for?)

  2. Definitiely, and I've finally realised that the gathered sticky out skirt can look so so bad on me if not quite the right cut, so that's right out. Pity as I do like that look - I think it's the whole slightly-alternative-80s-student-radio-look returning to me...

    Now I just hope I can get over that whole fear of cutting into it :in case I wreck it"

  3. Stunning outfit in the making - great colour matching.

  4. Lovely outfit concept...maybe a trumpet skirt instead of just pencil, if you want more movement? It's a super-flattering style on most people, too.

  5. Oh yes, I do know that look, I had my own version of it circa early 80s.
    Haven't experienced it returning to me yet though.
    I think it's all these 20-somethings running around right now in footless tights like they invented them! ;)
    And I guess that officially makes me a Grumpy Old Woman!

  6. am i the only one gasping because it's color??? now i know you do some color, but a whole outfit?? Wow!!

    i think it will be a lovely outfit btw! i think that a pencil skirt or even an a-line would look nice on you; that way you can dress it up or down.

  7. Hey there. My mother's been looking for a short sleeve cardigan and just found one online in "jo sharp issue 2" except all up to buy it off the net it would be about $30. Did you buy yours from a regular newsagent? How much was it? Thanks.

  8. Hello anonymous:

    $16.95 at my local newsagents, in with the knitting magazines (actually I lie - as it was tucked away for me because I liked Issue 1 so much I asked them to put aside issue 2 when it turned up)\

    If you're having trouble tracking it down I'm happy to sort something out with you - just email me direc (from my profile)
