Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Presents from others, presents from myself

'Twas a good mail day today.

First up was a (black and white, of course!) shoebox from
Sew Thrifty full of wonderful goodies: the official TSS Doll, a crochet pattern book which has a daisy rug pattern in it, tea towels for my collection, very funky pantihose with daisies on and some vintage black and white circle fabric which someone has carefully zigzagged around the circles at the bottom.

Here's a closer view, with the last item from the goodie box, a miniature black bowl:And speaking of closer views, here's the official TSS doll once she'd settled in and taken her coat off. I actually think it's quite a good likeness. Notice the large crochet bag for all the frugalled finds!Oh yes, I mentioned presents for myself.

I know, I know, I already bought myself a great Christmas present but (digging quickly for justifications) I'm a Gemini so I needed TWO presents (phew!): It would seem the miniature chair people snuck out another volume in their range when I wasn't looking, so I have another seven design classic chairs and sofas to add to my collection.

(Listening to: Jane Siberry,

1 comment:

  1. Geez how spooky..you too!
    r/e agents the country over must be sadists (we already know they're shifty & lazy, but I digress).
    Thank gourd someone else's house looks as messy as mine!
    And your very own TSS doll..fabulous.
