Thursday, August 27, 2009

Random stuff

Class last night was a Library orientation session. Hardly exciting blog fodder.

Instead I thought I'd share with you some of the things that have excited me over the past few days (apart from the release of the 2010 IKEA catalogue and all your generous offers to send me one!)

This fabric, discovered when Quilting Mick made some Sunnyboy bags with it: (Check out her giveaway here)

Lark's new
op shopping totes (the perfect Christmas gift):Pretty little pins' "Shh!" brooch: perfect to wear when I'm working at the library (in a completely ironic way since we're not allowed to shush patrons any more)

This book, due to be released next week: (Because I've always loved stationery and therefore art made of stationery)

My new
Eames House of Cards which arrived yesterday and which I've only been wanting to buy for what seems like forever:(Except I really wanted the black edition which only seems to be available direct from the Eames store with a massive postage charge...)

My newly ordered
2010 diary insert.

The fact that Eric Carle of The Very Hungry Catepillar fame
has a blog: And that Canberra Museum and Gallery offered their members free tickets to the Sites of Memory symposium at National Museum tomorrow.

What's not to like when your $30 a year gets you not only lots of great openings with good food and free champagne, access to a lovely quiet space in the middle of town with coffee, tea, biscuits and
a big yellow couch to collapse on, but tickets to an $80 symposium?!


  1. Seriously, that fabric is one of the nicest I have ever used. I'm about to get myself some more, I think!

    CMAG is only $30 a year? That is amazing value!

    Will have to get that shhhh brooch for my mum. At JCU library I think they can still the students to STFU.

  2. See, I could resist almost everything but that brooch. I can still, quietly, calmly and with authority request silence, but with the brooch I could just point!

    I see an order in my future.

  3. Now, this is an odd question. Were you wearing a black dress with white spots yesterday and ordering lunch at a cafe near the ANU? If so I recognised you from your blog and if not.. you have a doppelganger!

  4. Michelle: yes indeedy: or $50 for 2 years which is even better value.

    Taph: I almost didn't post the Shh! brooch as I thought I could buy you one for Christmas...

    LaLa: No, that was me at Mocca. Probably a good thing you didn't come up and say Hi: it was one of those days...

  5. ain't Michelle nice for gossiping about my fabric and thank you for sharing with others!!
