Saturday, January 01, 2011

Sofa sew good

Miniature "tea towel" cushions from last month's fabric printing tutorial? Made.
Extra miniature Uppercase magazines? Finished.
Cover for end of year CD swap? Completed.

Yep, 2011 is turning out rather well so far...


  1. If we could just hook you up to the national power grid ...

    Now this is a strange thing which I wish to relate: Is there an auditory equivalent of colour after-images? After viewing your new year's eve video, I was left with the sound of a waltz in my head!

    And why do I have to type in "minver" now? Do you have magic powers?

  2. Now I think about it, that reference to the power grid sounded a bit odd. I was just trying to compliment you on your energy levels. :-)

  3. And here I was mentally beating myself up because it had taken almost a month to get to them...

    You always know how to make me feel better :-)

  4. what a cozy corner. i dont know how i found your blog but i have been following on my google reader for a little while now and this is my first comment. i had to pop in to say how much i adore those little pillows! that chic little modular sofa i also covet, it's just perfect. happy new year and i look forward to following your work more in 2011 :-)

  5. Hi Eloise

    I love it when lurkers de cloak!

    The sofa is, alas, vintage Conocrd so not so easy to find these days. I picked mine up in two lots on eBay a good 5 years ago...

  6. Love the sofa, if I can't have it, it's a good thing you can, and take great photos of it for me to see :-)
    Love those tiny Uppercase magazines and the cushions too!
