Friday, January 16, 2015

Finish it off Friday: rugging up

As I dug back deeper in time through my stash of UFOs, I found these:
Two unfinished stitched dolls' house miniature rugs,
Two rugs that have been waiting to have their edges finished for a very very long time.

I'm not sure I've done any stitching since I moved to Canberra sixteen years ago, so these are geriatric in terms of UFOs.
Edge of a piece of cross-stitch fabric with a dolls' house miniature rug stitched on it, showing pin marks from blocking.
I obviously blocked them at some stage and then gave up and put them aside. Well today's their lucky day...


  1. That's some awesome stitching, they deserve to be finished and showcased!

  2. You did all that work and didn't finish them? Man, I thought I was bad but you really deserve an award for the longest project ever. =0P

    Do you think it's lack of time or are we all prone to losing interest once the hard part is finished? Hmm

  3. I think it's a combination of the fact the stitching was really for another purpose than making the miniature and the fear of f***ing it up in the final stretch.

  4. That must have taken a long time to do...they deserve a grand finish.
