Saturday, January 10, 2015

Pretty in pink

And so it is finished.
Modern doll's house miniature scene of a black and white wing chair against a black wall. On the wall are the letters R,E,A and D in pink and white and on the table under them is a pink vase with white flowers, a book and a glass of water.
Modern doll's house miniature scene of a black and white wing chair against a black wall. On the wall are the letters R,E,A and D in pink and white and on the table under them is a pink vase, book and a glass of water.
I'm not happy with the placement of the legs, thinking they should be closer to the outside corners of the seat. But I'll leave them as they are for now, as I might change my mind and I'm not sure I can face major rebuilding of the base right now...


  1. Fancy you even having that many pink things.
    Will the chair fit in the back of Miss Daisy to take it to Margell? Looks like a great holiday reading chair.

  2. Yo veo un bonito rincón tranquilo para la lectura.
    Un abrazo

  3. I'm not a fan of pink, but it looks good with the black!

  4. It turned out lovely!I'm in love with the combo! I'd like to have it in life size!
