Friday, January 08, 2016

Finish it off Friday fail

I had all the best intentions in the world this morning. I'd decided that this week's Finish it off Friday project should be a Farrow Industries freezer/cooler that, when finished, would fit beautifully into the modern kitchen scene that I'm building.

Even the lack of plastic cement in my stash didn't bother me: I planned a trip out to the hobby shop to buy some this afternoon, after I'd had lunch with a friend.

A miniaturist friend.

Who brought these for me to borrow:
Three Mouse Mansion children's books on display on a table top.
Oddly enough, any thoughts of making miniatures today
Inside spread from the book 'Mouse Mansion: Sam and Julia", showing a miniature dining room.
have flown right out the window...
Inside spread from the book 'Mouse Mansion: Sam and Julia", showing a mouse playing the violin in a miniature music room.

1 comment:

  1. No. Redirection to alternative inspiration d.n.equal fail. Otherwise my whole life ..... sobs quietly. ;-)
