Saturday, January 09, 2016

Saturday scene: It's a jungle out there

Modern dolls' house miniature lounge scene in colours of black, white, orange and teal.
 This is a scene I put together and photographed in late November last year, planning to create a video on how I put together a scene and show it as part of my public programme at Goulburn Regional Art Gallery.

I took a kazillion photos of the process, drew lines all over some of the photos showing how the eye travels across and around the scene. And even recorded several versions of the intro to it.

And then I completely changed directions on what I wanted to do for my presentation, telling myself that I'd finish the video and post it on my blog very soon.

Long-time readers know how long my lead times can be. So I figured I'd share the final scene today and if, eventually, I get the video done, I'll load that up for your entertainment.


  1. I saw this in my blog feed and thought it was a real scene from the automatism blog! Love, love the colors and looking forward to the video.

  2. Great colors! Really impressive
