Sunday, October 01, 2006

So much for "no pressing plans"

(Sorry couldn't resist that one)

If you were wondering what the plot I was hatching was, wonder no more I spent this morning putting the following together for Taphophile as a sort of (very) belated thanks for taping Eurovision for me in May and for the lovely fabric she added to my stash:It's a knitting bag made out of frugalled black denim (all the way from New Zealand) and a thick white vintage cotton cot sheet I bought for E but decided would be much happier being added to my stash.

On the front is a photo of an Australian soldier knitting a sock which I snaffled from Picture Australia (very very naughty I know but since I'm not selling it I'm sure they won't mind and might in fact be flattered. Actually, maybe The Australian War Memorial will love it so much they'll get in touch and order a kazillion for their gift shop and I will be rich. Rich, I tell you! Oh, sorry, I digress...)Inside is a large pocket for all those knitting essentials which you don't want to lose in the bottom of the bag and a knitting needle holder which matches the outside trim.All the goodies I've collected (including those red knitting needles that in the end I just couldn't cope with) fit nicely inside and I made sure the handles were long enough to sling over your shoulder if necessary.

Now do excuse me, I need to crawl out of my PJs and go deliver it!

(Listening to: Midnight snack Vol 1 compilation)


  1. I am so glad someone else is still struggling with PJ's - it is now 2.32 and despite loads of washing to do, I have spent the last three hours blogging, oh bliss - better get dressed now, you never know who will knock on the door!!

  2. wonderful bag.. I still don't have one.. although I made several.. always looks like something is just not fitting my necessities..
    but this one looks complete..
    will you do the ironing in PJ too??..

  3. I'd do almost everything in my PJs if I could...


  4. OMG. TSS you're a wonder - how divine. Thank you so very much - I'm touched to tears. Damn. It's so perfectly me, from the colours to the image. I wonder if he's one of "my" servicemen from ? Probably not, but I'll adopt him anyway.

  5. That bag is super! Any time you need something taped from telly, just let me know.... ;)

    Taph = super lucky!
