Thursday, October 02, 2008

Big O little o, what begins with O? October and my opening. Oh! Oh! Oh!

September stats:

* ANU Film Group: Two out of three ain't bad, even if one of those two wasn't on the original list. I saw Happy go lucky and Hard Candy (rescheduled from August) Cost per view is now $3.52.

* I completely forgot to go see Persepolis at a real cinema. But I did watch Penelope, The Wave and Hamilton Mattress at home. No doubt Persepolis will pop up at ANU Film Group next year...

* Reading: 1 book. A large pile of magazines (including 5 years worth of Elle Decorations I ripped and recycled.)

* Parade of Houses finished up with my new Caroline's Home house, The Triang, The Tomy House, The Kaleidoscope House, and The Irwin Interior Decorator Set. I spent a lot of time on eBay (AU, UK, US and German) and Tradera looking for the final bits to finish the displays.

* I made it to the Lifeline Bookfair (and how!), and the very next day flew to Melbourne for masses of culture.

* Seven Things Spring/Summer started again for the year.

This month is just as busy:

* The Parental Units arrive tomorrow for a 5 day visit (to coincide with the original opening date)

* Then, of course, there's The Opening next weekend.

* And floortalks the following week.

* This month's Black and White Swap is up over at Swap-Bot. I'd love to have you join in!

* As far as I can tell from my diary I'm only seeing one film at ANU Film Group this month. But I suspect that's wrong: I need to dig out the programme and double check...

* Reading (if I get time!): I'm using "O" for "other" (ie: books that haven't fitted any of the themes I've been reading this year) and "other people's" (ie: books I've been lent.)

* Seven Things Spring continues. Hopefully I find my rhythm as September was a little challenging on this front...

* Finally, I celebrate 8 years as an Australian citizen later in the month.

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