(*I know you're going to ask: it was announced that today was "Mufti Day" at work (how that works when they don't wear uniforms is beyond me, but I'm new). I would have hired a chicken suit for the occasion but a) I have no money and b) they didn't give me enough notice to make it to the costume hire shop...)
Hello. I'm new to your blog ... I'm only here because I noticed two years ago you were talking about Brio dolls' houses and Arne Jacobsen furniture ... I'm in the middle of discovering them!
I've never heard of Mufti Day ... but I live in Qld.
Heh, Mufti Day in the pooblic servise means that you don't have to wear a suit or heels or anything officious (but you can never wear anything offensive :) ). Most people still wear nice clothes, just in a lower key. Jeans are de riguer. Chicken suits are saved for Christmas parties or Easter.
WV= subile (almost subtle but not quite making it)
An inchie covered in vomit-coloured splatters might cover that range of feelings. With a bit of carrot stuck to it. (Barry Humphries said that it always had to have carrot in it). 'Mufti' is such a charmingly old-fashioned, Indian Civil Service word! How Canberra!
You're sure to spot a few of the middle aged males in some really bad pants or jeans. Often still with the business shirt and perhaps tie. Sometimes I like to glam up extra in rebellion.
Enjoy your 2 days off!
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