Friday, January 11, 2008

Finish it off Friday 2008: Week 1

I'm feeling pretty chuffed this week.

The hardest thing is not having any knitting on the go because I'm not letting myself start anything new until I've cleared the backlog. After I finished Princess B's stole and unravelled the half-knitted project that came with the wool I still have 484g of the Geranium wool left over which is crying to be made into something. Pity it's not specific about what exactly that something is!

* Greeny blue cardigan (started October 2006) Started sewing it up 10/1/08
* Soft trees (buttons collected December 2006, trees 80% sewn December 2007)
Wooden suitcases (bought and dismantled Feb 2007)
Black daisy hoodie (started April 2007)
* Various bags (half sewn November 2007)
Cotton cupcakes (knitted (but not sewn up) November 2007) Started sewing them up 10/1/08
* Various coloured cotton washcloths with ends that need darning in DONE 9/1/08
* Princess B's stole
FINISHED 9/1/08 (except for the buttons but I'll wait til I see Princess B before I sew them on so I can check on positioning)


  1. Ohhh finishing off UFO's can be so hard when you're itching for a new project but it looks like you're making good progress

  2. Well done, that's a great start, or do I mean finish? Anyway, two jobs down is a fab result.

  3. Good on you. They may all get done one day - I wonder whether that will ever happen at my place?
    Janet McK
