And, not seen, decisions to be made, news to hand to possibly influence decisions, and one Shopping Sherpa not very comfortable in the middle of a maelstrom and having to be patient until the answers reveal themselves.
There are some things that are certain:
Eurovision semi final is to be aired on SBS 8:30pm Saturday May 12th. Final is 7:30pm Sunday May 13th. I will be drunk for both.
The parental units are buying me the Loop 8 CD (not yet released) for my birthday.
(I was slightly concerned, with the timing of the new release in May, that I'd either miss out completely or get 5 copies from various NZ peoples who knew what I liked.)
Tomorrow, I know, will be different...
Listening to: Onetwo: Item)
Hope the malestrom eases soon
hope it all works out with everything! crossing my fingers for good things!
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