First up was a four-piece grey velvet sectional sofa with a chaise. I've set it up with only three of the pieces
because adding the fourth makes it all a bit weird:
But I got thinking that if I bought a second set, I could make a longer chaise sofa plus a Deco-style semi-circular sofa as well.
Luckily my information management skills came to the fore today and I discovered that the set is the Harrell Modular Sofa by Aztec/ Town Square (I'd suspected they were the manufacturer when I bought it), and that there are several versions available, including individual pieces. I plan to buy some more pieces to give my set flexibility depending on what sort of scene I use it in.
From the same seller I bought this book, which I wasn't sure I had, and for $10 was worth the risk:
(Alas I do have: let me know if you're interested in owning it and we'll talk swap or reimbursement...)
From the ACT Miniature Enthusiasts stall I bought a kitchen wall cupboard for $2,
and for 50 cents each, a pink menu board and a pair of silver-coloured trays.
I was excited to discover that Wendy Benson was back for the first time in over ten years (really? Has it been that long?!) and was doing a clear out.This dolls' house for a dolls' house was $2:
And a total of $14.50 bought me six bags of vintage treasure:
Three cushions for $6 (I was really only interested in the lace one),
a charm bracelet for $2 (the jug and wagon),
a book of paper dolls and a box with a sketch of a Victorian doll on the front (for $4),
a bag of toys (racing car, hobby horse and first-aid bag) for $2,
twenty vintage tiles for 20 cents,
and, finally, a bag of vintage bits and bobs for 30 cents.
I figured that the blue 'waste paper basket' and large straight silver 'vase' were worth the 30 cents alone, plus will enjoy exploring the other options contained within...
Dianne Cotterill had posies of flowers, which were supposed to be for bridal parties but suited me perfectly as it meant I can cut off the ribbons and place them in my own vases.
And since I was in the mood for daisies, and the club was offering tuition on making them at the 'make and take' table, I paid one of the children to create 20 stems for me (I know: me being directly involved in child labour...)
I also bought a new Mr Nibbs, as the one I had was far too sprightly looking and I thought I might want to make a scene to mark the fact that he's cost me $2,600 this month in vet bills :-(
And, saving the best for last...
Wendy Benson had a not-quite-mint in package Hanse dining room setting for sale, which I snapped up even before the show opened:

Interestingly, it looks just like the Lisa version but is packaged as Hanse.
I feel I should know more about this but since it's been a few years since I was so deeply involved in the Lundby/ Lisa community the details have slipped my mind.I shall make a point of going back and seeing what the link is. In April. When I'll have a lot more spare time.